This is how the Aadhaar number "XXXX-XXXX" appears on the masked Aadhaar card. The starting eight digits of the Aadhaar number are not visible in the masked Aadhaar card. Which makes it difficult to misuse it. What Is Masked Aadhaar Card And How To Download It Know Everything Just as Voter ID card, driving license and PAN card are important documents these days, similarly masked Aadhaar cards are also very important. At the same time, often it gets lost in the haste or falls somewhere from us. Due to which many of our important works stop. The biggest advantage of masked Aadhaar is that no one can use it incorrectly. Let's know what is a masked Aadhaar card. Masked Aadhaar is an option that allows users to mask the Aadhaar card in the downloaded e-Aadhaar. This means that "xxxx-XXXX" appears on a masked Aadhaar number card. The starting eight digits of the Aadhaar number are not visible in the masked Aadhaar card. Only four digits of the Aadhaar number are visi...